Jianfei Chen (陈键飞)
My research interest is efficient machine learning, particularly quantized neural networks, stochastic optimization algorithms, and probabilistic inference algorithms. In the past, I developed several scalable training systems for topic models.
3 papers accepted in ICML 2023.
1 paper accepted in NeurIPS 2022.
3 papers accepted in ICML 2022.
Looking for highly motivated post-docs to work on deep learning algorithms, theory, or systems. Various types of fellowship are avaiable for outstanding applicants, such as Shui Mu Scholar and Innovation Fellow.
2021/8. I joined Tsinghua University as a tenure-track assistant professor.
1-508, FIT Building, Tsinghua University
Beijing, 100084, China
Email: jianfeic <at> tsinghua.edu.cn